Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Winter Time Reminder from the DPW

The Public Works Department works very hard to keep all of the streets and sidewalks in town safe for motorists and pedestrians alike. If for some reason, you encounter an area that is not cleared of snow enough for your liking, please call us and we will address it as quickly as possible.

We have a very dedicated staff as shown by the crew who worked countless hours on Christmas Eve as well as on Christmas Day this year but there are limits as to what can be done on a first attempt.

You can help by making sure that your cars are as far off the roadway as possible to give the plow trucks enough room to get by safely. All Hull residents should be aware of the mandatory parking ban, which is in effect until March 31, 2018. The ban includes no on-street parking between 1:30am and 7:00am on Nantasket Ave, Atlantic Ave, Spring St and Main Street.

Also during this ban, for all other streets in town during inclement weather, parking will be allowed on the odd numbered side of each street, except in areas where such parking is always prohibited. This will provide for orderly snow removal/sanding/salting operations as well as free flow of traffic, especially emergency vehicles.

Failure to comply with the codes of the Town of Hull Chapter 155 Section 19, regarding
impeding snow removal will result in parking violation fines and/or towing of the offending vehicles at the owner’s expense.

PLEASE give the plow trucks the room they need to navigate through our streets, these trucks are 31-feet long, 10-feet wide and weigh over 38,000 pounds.

If you have any questions or concerns about the snow removal process, please do not hesitate to call the DPW at (781) 925-0900.