Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Reminder: No Dogs on Beach Starting Tomorrow

Reminder: No Dogs on Beach Starting Tomorrow (June 1st)

Just a friendly reminder, from June 1st until September 15th, dogs are not allowed on Town of Hull beaches.

Get your furry family members out there today and enjoy the weather while its still allowed.

Please clean up after your pets while on the beach and in all public areas of Town and properly dispose of the waste.

Thank you....

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Please Use Your Telephone, Not Facebook

Please Use Your Telephone, Not Facebook

If you have a problem or an issue that you'd like the Department of Public Works to look at to see if it's something that we regularly address or if it's something that we can address, please call our office at (781) 925-0900 rather than posting it on Facebook.

Facebook is a Social Media outlet, it's not the "proper" forum for looking for the Town's help with an issue. While we do monitor these pages and do what we can to address each and every concern that is within our abilities as a Town Department, the best way to ensure that your voice is being heard is to leave us a voice message or send us an email.

Once you leave a message, please be patient awaiting a call back or a return email. We are a small department of 13 people and are doing our very best to maintain 50+ miles of roadway, 12-miles of sidewalks, numerous parks, playgrounds and fields, the cemetery and the beaches.

Most of the problems in town did not happen overnight and most will take some time to correct them but rest assured that we do hear everyone's issues, concerns, comments and complaints and we try to address every one of them as quickly as possible.

Thank you...

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


The paving project along Nantasket Ave between A Street and H Street as well as Fitzpatrick Way from X Street to Nantasket Ave and along Nantasket Ave to just before the Spring Street intersection will be continuing tomorrow.

Please be aware of the manhole covers and utility caps that may be sticking out of the roadway during the construction process, some of them stick up pretty high from the ground. All of them have been painted to make them more visible but please use caution while in the construction zone, especially at night. 

Thank you to everyone for their patience during construction. It will be worth the wait to see what these roads look like when they're done.

Our roads didn't get in this condition overnight, they won't be fixed overnight either but every paved section of town is a step in the right direction...

Monday, May 15, 2017

Road Milling to Continue Tuesday

Nantasket Ave Milling
(A Street through H Street)

Please be advised that the road milling portion of our paving project will continue on Tuesday.

Crews from T.L. Edwards will be performing the milling from A Street along Nantasket Ave all the way to H Street.

They are anticipating this portion of the roadwork to be completed by early afternoon if all goes well.

Please contact the Hull DPW with any questions at (781) 925-0900

Tuesday, May 9, 2017



Beginning on Monday, May 15th, T.L. Edwards Inc, working for the Town of Hull, will begin repaving Nantasket Avenue from A to H Street and Fitzpatrick Way from XY Street to the intersection of Spring Street near the Life Saving Museum.

The project includes grinding the roadway surface down and repaving the road.  The existing failed sidewalk from A to H Street will be removed and new sidewalks including granite curbing and cement sidewalks will be installed.  The total project is scheduled to take 7 weeks.  

Please add a few extra minutes for your morning commute.  We will do our best to keep traffic moving but you should expect and plan for delays.   

We apologize for any inconvenience you may experience while the work is on-going.

Please contact the DPW with any questions or concerns at (781) 925-0900

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

LOOKING FOR INPUT - Household Hazardous Waste

The Department of Public of Works and the Board of Health are working to re-establish Household Hazardous Waste Days for Hull residents, whether it be an event in town or at a neighboring town.

What we need is an idea of how many people and how much waste will be taken in if we hold one of these events (we pay based on the volume: whether it be by weight or by gallon, like for paint or other liquids).

Please respond to this post if you are interested in taking part in a Household Hazardous Waste Day, we need to know:
          1)   How many residents are interested in participating
          2)   How many residents will be disposing of paint  or other liquids
                (along with an estimate of how many gallons)
          3)   What other types of waste will be disposed of and what volume
                 (CLICK HERE to learn more about what can be disposed of)
We are very intent on making these events a reality in Town again but need to make sure that it can be funded and that everyone gets the chance to participate in it. If things work out, we may begin them as part of the ongoing South Shore Recycling Cooperative program that still has three collection days remaining in the Spring calendar. Worst case scenario, we would begin our collection days this coming Fall.

Please be patient as we work through all of the requirements of implementing a program like this...